Congratulations to Rosana Zenil-Ferguson, alumnus of ITAM’s undergraduate program in applied mathematics for winning the Ernst Mayr prize at the Evolution Meeting 2017 in Portland, Oregon, organized by the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), and the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB).
This award is prestigious in the field of biology and it is the principal award bestowed by the SSB. It is awarded for giving the best student presentation in the field of Systematics, as well as for conducting high caliber and creative research during the student’s doctorate studies in Biology.
Dr. Rosana Zenil-Ferguson holds a masters in probability and statistics from CIMAT. She has coauthored various articles, namely “Evaluating the evidence for genome downsizing and thresholds from angiosperm genome size distributions”, published by the American Journal of Botany, special edition: “The evolutionary consequences of polyploidy. Currently, she is a fellow in the post-doctorate program at the University of Idaho.