Congratulations to Manuel Escobedo Conover, alumnus of the undergraduate program in law for his appointment as the new President of the Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros (AMIS) from 2017- 2018.
Escobedo Conover holds a master in business administration from the École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) in Paris, and he has more 20 years of experience in the insurance and reinsurance industries.
He has also served as the CEO of Patria reinsurance company, the President of Peña Verde company, as well as the President of the administrative boards of the following companies: Patria reinsurance, General de Seguros, and General de Salud. Moreover, he has served as the President of Pool Atómico Mexicano, a company responsible for planning the insurance of nuclear risks in our country as well as the Supervising President of the Nuclear Pool International System, and as a member representing the Americas of its executive committee.
Moreover, he has been a member of the regulatory insurance committee of the Institute of International Finance and of the Board of the Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Garantías (AMIG). He previously worked at University of Arizona as a visiting specialized scholar in its Center for Mexican American Studies conducting investigations in the legal sociology of Mexican migration to the United States. Currently, he is a member of the University of Arizona’s Advisory Board of the Binational Institute of Migration in the Center of Mexican American Studies.
ITAM and its alumni association bestowed him in 2015 with the “Mérito Profesional” award in the corporate sector, an acknowledgment awarded to alumni for demonstrating excellence in 15 years of their professional experience.