We congratulate Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, ITAM Economics Bachelor Alumni, who joined the Kenneth C. Griffin College of Economics on July 1 as Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. Dr. Rossi-Hansberg is also a graduate of ITAM's Master of Economics and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago.
The Doctor's economic research deals essentially with international trade, urban economics and macroeconomics. He is an associate researcher at the National Office for Economic Research (NBER) as well as an associate researcher at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). He has also received the Robert E. Lucas Jr. Award in 2019 for his article "La geografía del desarrollo", published in the Journal of Political Economy.
We reiterate our pride to Dr. Rossi-Hansberg, wishing him the best performance in his activities!