Diego Flores, alumnus of the International Relations Undergraduate Program at ITAM, was appointed Head of the Electronic and Digital Industry Sector of the Ministry of Economy. In this position, he will drive the strategic priorities defined to achieve the missions set with respect to the semiconductor industry, digital economy and high-skill manufacturing.
Diego Flores Jiménez has a Master’s Degree in Governance and Public Policies, and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from ITAM. Also, he has a specialty in National and Regional Security by the National Security Intelligence School (ESISEN) of the National Intelligence Center (CNI). In 2019 he won the Public Administration National Award, in the SRE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), with a work titled “The democratization of exponential technologies: getting closer to our compatriots through Artificial Intelligence”. In addition, when in the SRE he served as Director of New Technologies and National Security Affairs in the Chancellor’s office.
Likewise, he is co-leader in the Mexican National agenda in matters of Artificial Intelligence, research professor at Northeastern University-Khoury College of Computer Sciences and has been advisor of digital transformation and relation issues in the government.