Alumnae are listed in the ranking “The 100 Most Powerful Mexican Women Forbes 2017”
Oficina de Comunicación
June 21, 2017

Congratulations to ITAM’s alumnae for being recognized in the 2017 edition of the ranking “The 100 Most Powerful Mexican Women Forbes 2017".

Maria Asunción Aramburuzabala Larregui

President and CEO of Tresalia Capital

Alumnus of the undergraduate program in accounting

Leticia Jáuregui Casanueva

Founder of CREA and CEO of Interlab

Alumnus of the undergraduate program in economics and international relations

Alejandra Alemán Koidl

Founder of Niños en Alegría

Alumnus of the undergraduate program in business administration

Alejandra  Palacios Prieto

President Commissioner of the Cofece

Alumnus of the undergraduate program in economics and master in business administration

Gabriela Enrigue González

Founder and Director of Prospera

Alumnus of the undergraduate program in economics and political science

Mónica Aspe Bernal

Mexican Representative of the OECD

Alumnus of the undergraduate program in political science

Alicia Lebrija Hirschfeld

President of Televisa Foundation

Alumnus of the undergraduate program in economics

Sofía Belmar Berumen

CEO of Metlife México

Alumnus of the master in business administration

Nora Villafuerte Garza

Vice President of Human Resources of Nestlé

Alumnus of the Diploma in Organizational Development

Antonia Gutiérrez Pedroza

CEO of American Airlines

Alumnus of the Diploma in Marketing

María del Carmen Bernal Ledesma

Director of the CIMAD of the IPADE

Alumnus of the Specialization in European Integration Studies